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Our HQPs and interns

Our HQP and interns: what do they do?

Our team includes highly qualified personnel (HQP), who are either master's students or postdoctoral researchers. The team also includes research assistants who complete an internship with the T-MARS project team as part of their undergraduate studies.

Research assistants (trainees):

  • have a four-month mandate focusing on a specific aspect of the project.

HQP at the Master's level:

  • supervise one aspect of the overall project according to their specialty;;
  • lead the methodology of their part of the project and conduct the research (supervised by the researcher concerned);
  • will present their results at conferences;
  • will publish a scientific paper at the end of their master's degree.

HQP and trainees have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other Canadian and international researchers from academia and industry at conferences and public outreach events.

Training the next generation of researchers

One of the objectives of university research being the training of the next generation, our students are involved in a multidisciplinary team of remote sensing specialists, geologists, astrobiologists and planetary scientists. The training of students includes the following:

  • acquisition and analysis of remote sensing data;
  • field work in the Canadian Arctic, including the use of a variety of remote sensing instruments;
  • handling of geological samples;
  • analysis and synthesis of various analytical data.

We provide students with hands-on experience and the tools necessary to acquire a set of skills, knowledge and competencies valued by employers in the space sector, which will be key to their future careers.

Meet us!

Picture Hiba Aoid
Hiba Aoid
MSc student (2021-2023) - Our biosignature specialist
Picture Gaëlle Belleau-Magnat
Gaëlle Belleau-Magnat
Msc student (2022-2024) - Our remote sensing of biosignatures specialist
Picture Éloïse Brassard
Éloïse Brassard
MSc student (2021-2024) - Our spectral analysis specialist
Picture Étienne Clabaut
Étienne Clabaut
Postdoctoral researcher (2020-2021)
Picture Benoît DesRochers
Benoît DesRochers
MSc student (2021-2024)
Picture Stéphanie Lachance
Stéphanie Lachance
MSc student (2020-2023) - Our remote predictive mapping specialist
Picture Anne-Sophie Roy
Anne-Sophie Roy
Bachelor student - Intern H2023